Tuesday 17 July 2012

A Fresh Start


So yes, as a result of terrible luck - my previous Blog, well, died today.

But I am not so sad about it - as I hope this new Blog of mine, will do me some justice.
I am quite sad, that the effort I had put into my last Blog went down the drain, but I won't mention another word about it. It was a good time, filled with lots of memories I thought I'd share with my 'anon' readers, which hit an all time high of 2 readers! YAY!

It shall be greatly missed but I'm sure I will just re-create my old Blog again. Maybe posting a little bit more than I used to! hehe. 

So now, hopefully, everything will be well and Blogspot will not crash like it has already.!

Thank you for stopping by and I will post as often as I can.

Bye for now! 

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