Wednesday 18 July 2012

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...


So... as of right now, it is just past midnight and well - I guess you could say I'm too excited to sleep. hehehe. ^-^

I really should be in my bed, attempting to have a snooze, but later on this morning, I shall be jetting off for my sisters Graduation! YAY! I'm super duper happy for her! I still remember the day she left to start her new adventure in University - which is complete madness, since now, she's graduating. Time really flies huh?

But in the awesomeness of it all, of course it has been havoc preparing for her special day. I on one hand am becoming stressed about everything - as I tend to be the one left to sort everything out -booking the hotels, printing the boarding passes for the flight etc. :P
But I don't worry too much about those things as I trust myself to be a Pro at making life easy for myself.! HAHAHA!

As I type, my suitcase is in the corner of my eye, sitting there....staring at me - OKAY, I admit it. I haven't even finished packing yet and I'm sitting here writing a blogpost.!

"Sorry I'm not sorry"

Bahaha, my friend Emily taught me that phrase. It's great to use! Haven't stopped since I heard her say it first.

Are any of you bad packers? I know I am - and I seem I can never learn from experience and I just know that I will open my suitcase when I arrive and I will have forgotten something or packed things that there was no need to pack at all!
*sigh - I really am useless at it!

But I have also written 2 lists of things I need to pack and do before we leave the house.

''Don't forget to pack these'' list 


''To do'' list

Am I sad or what? bahahaha!
I worry for myself!

But I cannot bare to bore you anymore - since there's alot to do today, I may not get the chance to post again, but who knows!

I shall definitely post again tomorrow, look out for ''Graduation Day''.

I do wonder if there will be any good stories to tell? 

Do you have any good stories from your own or a family members Graduation day? I'd love to read some in the comments!



P.S. How am I doing with this new blog? I'm enjoying writing alot more than usual! Look forward to more photos and picture in Blogposts to come! ^-^

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