Friday 20 July 2012

Graduation Day.


Today has been wonderful.! Although I wasn't able to attend the actual ceremony for my sisters graduation, thankfully it was streaming live online - so I didn't miss much! 
I got some screen shots of Ro (my sister) receiving her wee fake certificate and we all cheered, hahaha.

Although nothing really happened, I do have some 'lovely' photographs, so...shall we begin?

^ How funny is Adam (little brother) in this picture! haha ^

 This is a picture of the family. Best photo taken of today!

Sorry for The very short post, but I'm off to go eat the GRADUATION DINNER! NOMNOMNOM!

See you all soon

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...


So... as of right now, it is just past midnight and well - I guess you could say I'm too excited to sleep. hehehe. ^-^

I really should be in my bed, attempting to have a snooze, but later on this morning, I shall be jetting off for my sisters Graduation! YAY! I'm super duper happy for her! I still remember the day she left to start her new adventure in University - which is complete madness, since now, she's graduating. Time really flies huh?

But in the awesomeness of it all, of course it has been havoc preparing for her special day. I on one hand am becoming stressed about everything - as I tend to be the one left to sort everything out -booking the hotels, printing the boarding passes for the flight etc. :P
But I don't worry too much about those things as I trust myself to be a Pro at making life easy for myself.! HAHAHA!

As I type, my suitcase is in the corner of my eye, sitting there....staring at me - OKAY, I admit it. I haven't even finished packing yet and I'm sitting here writing a blogpost.!

"Sorry I'm not sorry"

Bahaha, my friend Emily taught me that phrase. It's great to use! Haven't stopped since I heard her say it first.

Are any of you bad packers? I know I am - and I seem I can never learn from experience and I just know that I will open my suitcase when I arrive and I will have forgotten something or packed things that there was no need to pack at all!
*sigh - I really am useless at it!

But I have also written 2 lists of things I need to pack and do before we leave the house.

''Don't forget to pack these'' list 


''To do'' list

Am I sad or what? bahahaha!
I worry for myself!

But I cannot bare to bore you anymore - since there's alot to do today, I may not get the chance to post again, but who knows!

I shall definitely post again tomorrow, look out for ''Graduation Day''.

I do wonder if there will be any good stories to tell? 

Do you have any good stories from your own or a family members Graduation day? I'd love to read some in the comments!



P.S. How am I doing with this new blog? I'm enjoying writing alot more than usual! Look forward to more photos and picture in Blogposts to come! ^-^

Tuesday 17 July 2012

A Fresh Start


So yes, as a result of terrible luck - my previous Blog, well, died today.

But I am not so sad about it - as I hope this new Blog of mine, will do me some justice.
I am quite sad, that the effort I had put into my last Blog went down the drain, but I won't mention another word about it. It was a good time, filled with lots of memories I thought I'd share with my 'anon' readers, which hit an all time high of 2 readers! YAY!

It shall be greatly missed but I'm sure I will just re-create my old Blog again. Maybe posting a little bit more than I used to! hehe. 

So now, hopefully, everything will be well and Blogspot will not crash like it has already.!

Thank you for stopping by and I will post as often as I can.

Bye for now! 